13 August 2009

I'm Off to the Dept. of Defense Force Health Care Conference to Talk about the Vet Art Project!!!

I cannot believe that the date of the DoD Force Health Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico is almost here! I'll be presenting a talk entitled "Healing with the Arts: The Vet Art Project as a Model to Support Veterans and Families and Reconnect Our Community Using Creative Arts Programming" and Pamela Woll--remember her from our Incubator program at the Chicago Cultural Center last February?--she'll be speaking on Resilience Training.
I am hopeful because the DoD and VA are interested in learning how the arts can be part of the healing and reconnection process for veterans. I want to share the joy and the power that is the Vet Art Project. And I want to thank you all for your contributions and commitments to help veterans voices be heard!
And Jessa is off in MN collecting veterans stories to the North! She will be back to lead the next workshop at the Chicago Cultural Center next Wednesday.
PEACE is possible THROUGH ART,