18 June 2012

A site for Veterans' Art

I was recently contacted by a veteran who used art as a big part of his recuperation process and he's started a FaceBook page. This group is a place where veterans can post artwork that they've created as part of their journeys. I hope to post some of Dan's artwork here soon.

Here's the description:
Artwork by Veterans inspires greater understanding of the real impact of war with a focus on the healing aspect Art provides. The page is set up as a museum to collect, preserve and exhibit art inspired by military service and created by veterans


yellowbronco said...

Thank you for putting this up for us, I was very happy to find another vet that had webpage experience and is a artist a couple of days ago. His name is Lyle Dillie and he endured 2 tours in Iraq as a photojournalist. Thank you again for your support.

yellowbronco said...

Thank you for putting this up for us, I was very happy to find another vet that had webpage experience and is a artist a couple of days ago. His name is Lyle Dillie and he endured 2 tours in Iraq as a photojournalist. Thank you again for your support.