07 February 2009

Amazing Moments in the Vet Art Project

As the first week of the Vet Art Project draws near, we have shared many moments of great insight and witnessed many precious jewels revealed. I invite you to add your favorites here. Here's my list so far:
--The reverent silence of the artists the first night when Bob and John from Dryhootch.org opened up and shared their life journeys and their challenges with PTSD.
--Hearing two male combat veterans thank another female veteran for her service, off the field of combat, and letting her know that her service was equally as valuable.
--Witnessing the stories of two combat veterans, whose experiences are separated by 40 years, yet their journeys back are similar.
--A female veteran opening up to share her story with a reporter while she made a collage in words and pictures
[The pictured image was created by Christina Reddington, RN, the facilitator of the Picture Stories of War program.]

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